Custom Dental Appliances

 Hargis Family Dental can create a custom-fitted dental appliance to address a variety of your dental needs,

such as bruxism (teeth grinding) and TMJ problems, snoring or sleep apnea, and whitening your smile.

Porcelain Veneers 

Porcelain veneers are slim shells of ceramic that bond right to the front surfaces of the teeth. They are an excellent choice for improving your smile and have become more popular lately due to their simplicity and versatility. 

The Benefits Of Veneers 

  • Decrease tooth discoloration
  • Repair worn-down teeth
  • Fix chipped or cracked teeth
  • Reshape teeth that are misaligned, irregular, or uneven
  • Remove gaps and spaces between teeth
Porcelain Veneers — Prospect, LA — Hargis Family Dental

Because veneers connect to your natural teeth, they do not require any special care beyond brushing, flossing, and other general good oral hygiene practices.

Night Guards

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

A simple solution for a more peaceful and healthy night's rest is a custom-fitted sleep appliance, or mandibular advancement device (MAD). Snoring not only affects a sleep partner's peace and quiet, depending on severity it can signal a very dangerous health condition for the snorer. Interrupted sleep cycles can cause fatigue, loss of productivity, & poor decision-making. According to the NHSA, 100,000 car accidents per year are caused by tired driving!

Fatigue — Prospect, LA — Hargis Family Dental

Chronically "running on fumes" is also linked to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and many other dangerous health conditions, per The Cleveland Clinic.

Tooth Night Guard — Prospect, LA — Hargis Family Dental

A MAD positions and holds the lower jaw in a forward position, maintaining an open airway during sleep. In order to work properly, the appliance exerts subtle pressure on your jaw and teeth. This makes it important to be custom-fitted by a dental professional, rather than buying over-the-counter.

Man Putting In Mouth Guard — Prospect, LA — Hargis Family Dental

Bruxism and TMJ Problems

Bruxism is the grinding or clenching of teeth and can cause headaches, facial or jaw pain, sensitive teeth due to enamel damage, tooth breakage, and TMJ problems including locking and even dislocation of the jaw, according to Johns Hopkins Medical Center. You will need to discuss your particular symptoms with Dr. Hargis and develop a plan, which could include a night guard to protect your teeth and provide spacing between your upper and lower bite.

Bruxism  — Prospect, LA — Hargis Family Dental

Whitening Trays

Custom-fitted whitening trays do cost more than those available at retail stores. This is because they are made from an exact impression of the patient's mouth. They fit precisely, creating a more even application surface for the gel. They are also better at keeping the product off gums, which can cause irritation or damage. After an oral exam that ensures no problems are present in the teeth or gums, and a discussion of the causes of a patient's staining, we will create an impression of your teeth. Then our dental lab will create your unique trays. You will be given a complete at-home whitening kit and instructions for a brighter smile.

If you want to learn more about custom mouth guards and find out if they are right for you, Hargis Family Dental is here to help. Call us at 318-640-5055 for a consultation today.

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